White Financial Solutions

The Plan to your Financial freedom is here you can find DIY’s ebooks, sign up for services, or purchase or brand merch.  

Why Choose Us?

I started this company to encourage others  to take responsibility of huge ratio in our lives that most people, don’t pay attention to or choose to ignore because they think it doesn’t effect them.  Yes I am talking about credit! Credit is by far one of the most important things that’s fixable if you take the time to invest in yourself. These DIY’s will help you, motivate you , and keep you focused on what’s important to you! Enjoy!!

I recently purchased the DIY for credit and got my score up to 718 I was very happy with my results

Maria Sanderson
Great service, fast shipping, and very reasonable prices for products of such quality!
Erik Johnson
Los Angeles, California

About Us

Victoria White,

store owner

Hi I’m Victoria White. I am a Financial Advisor here to help you build your own life and get the help you need to know about CREDIT. Yes, I said CREDIT.  Like most of us growing up credit was not acknowledged or taught within our family.  I personally was tired of paying rent and mortgages of places I didn’t own.  I was tired of living pay check to pay check, So from that moment on I made a change.  I started studying the FRCA laws and how it effects us a an individual.  I created ways to make learning about credit easy.  So I’m here to  get to you started  with my ebooks, services, or DIY’s to help you navigate your way to a better financial future.  When you make a purchase come back to do a review.  This helps my brand become your reality and Showing our customers that there are real people with interesting stories working behind the scenes.  I am here to  help my customers with any service that I provide.